CTF Team at the University of British Columbia

[hack.lu 2021] pycoin and whatthehecc

05 Nov 2021 by Kevin Liu


Pycoin [146] was a Python bytecode reversing challenge that performed checks on different characters of a supplied input.


A friend gave me this and he says he can not reverse this… but this is just python?

We’re a given a .pyc file, which asks for a valid key when run.

Reversing the bytecode

After a bit of searching around, I found the uncompyle6 library — according to its documentation, it translates Python bytecode back into equivalent Python source code.

Running this on our .pyc file gives us a cleaner looking file:

# uncompyle6 version 3.7.4
# Python bytecode 3.8 (3413)
# Decompiled from: Python 3.8.10 (default, Jun  2 2021, 10:49:15)
# [GCC 9.4.0]
# Embedded file name: challenge_generated.py
# Compiled at: 2021-10-27 14:40:15
# Size of source mod 2**32: 2836 bytes
import marshal
marshalled = b'\xe3\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00@\x00\x00\x00\xf3\xf0\x01\x00\x00n\x02tcd\x00d\x01l\x00m\x01Z\x01\x01\x00e\x02e\x03d\x02\x83\x01\x83\x01\xa0\x04\xa1\x00Z\x05e\x06e\x05\x83\x01d\x03k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x00\x19\x00d\x04k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x05\x19\x00e\x05d\x00\x19\x00d\x06\x17\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x07\x19\x00e\x05d\x05\x19\x00e\x05d\x00\x19\x00\x18\x00d\x08n\n]\x02n\x02n\x02r\x04q\x04\x17\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\t\x19\x00d\nk\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x0b\x19\x00e\x05d\x0c\x19\x00d\t\x14\x00d\r\x18\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x0e\x19\x00e\x07e\x05\x83\x01d\x0f\x18\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x06\x19\x00e\x05d\x10\x19\x00\x17\x00e\x05d\x11\x19\x00\x17\x00d\x12k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x08e\te\x05d\x10\x19\x00\x83\x01d\x07\x14\x00\x83\x01d\x05\x17\x00e\x05d\x13\x19\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x14\x19\x00d\x15\x16\x00d\x03k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x13\x19\x00e\x05d\x14\x19\x00d\x07\x14\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x01e\x05d\x11\x19\x00d\x16\x14\x00\x83\x01\xa0\n\xa1\x00d\x00\x19\x00d\x05\x18\x00e\x05d\t\x19\x00k\x02\x02\x00\x02\x00\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x0c\x19\x00d\x17k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x18\x19\x00e\x05d\x19\x19\x00d\x07\x1b\x00d\x07\x18\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x1a\x19\x00e\x05d\x11\x19\x00e\x05d\x14\x19\x00\x14\x00d\x1b\x16\x00d\x07\x14\x00d\x05\x18\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x19\x19\x00e\x05d\x18\x19\x00e\x05d\x13\x19\x00A\x00e\x05d\x1c\x19\x00A\x00d\t\x14\x00d\x1d\x18\x00k\x02\x90\x01o\xcee\x05d\x1c\x19\x00d\x1ek\x02Z\x0be\x0ce\x0b\x90\x01r\xe6d\x1fe\x05\xa0\r\xa1\x00\x9b\x00\x9d\x02n\x02d \x83\x01\x01\x00d!S\x00)"\xe9\x00\x00\x00\x00)\x01\xda\x03md5z\x1aplease supply a valid key:\xe9\x10\x00\x00\x00\xe9f\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x01\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x06\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x02\x00\x00\x00\xe9[\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x03\x00\x00\x00\xe9g\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x04\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x0b\x00\x00\x00\xe9*\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x05\x00\x00\x00i*\x05\x00\x00\xe9\x07\x00\x00\x00\xe9\n\x00\x00\x00i\x04\x01\x00\x00\xe9\t\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x08\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x11\x00\x00\x00\xf3\x01\x00\x00\x00a\xe97\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x0c\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x0e\x00\x00\x00\xe9\r\x00\x00\x00\xe9 \x00\x00\x00\xe9\x0f\x00\x00\x00\xe9\x17\x00\x00\x00\xe9}\x00\x00\x00z\x0bvalid key! z\x0einvalid key :(N)\x0eZ\x07hashlibr\x03\x00\x00\x00\xda\x03str\xda\x05input\xda\x06encode\xda\x01k\xda\x03len\xda\x03sum\xda\x03int\xda\x03chr\xda\x06digestZ\x07correct\xda\x05print\xda\x06decode\xa9\x00r)\x00\x00\x00r)\x00\x00\x00\xfa\r<disassembly>\xda\x08<module>\x01\x00\x00\x00sF\x00\x00\x00\x0c\x02\x10\x03\x0e\x01\n\xff\x04\x02\x12\xfe\x04\x03\x1a\xfd\x04\x04\n\xfc\x04\x05\x16\xfb\x04\x06\x12\xfa\x04\x07\x1a\xf9\x04\x08\x1e\xf8\x04\t\x0e\xf7\x04\n\x12\xf6\x04\x0b"\xf5\x04\x0c\n\xf4\x04\r\x16\xf3\x04\x0e"\xf2\x04\x0f&\xf1\x04\x10\n\xee\x02\x15'
# okay decompiling pycoin.pyc

The program loads in the marshal library and executes the deserialized Python instructions. Luckily, we can inspect what this Python code object does by relying on uncompyle6’s decompile function

from uncompyle6.main import decompile


code = marshal.loads(marshalled)
print(decompile(3.8, code))

Though this gives a parse error, we can safely ignore it and look at the assembly instructions:

 L.   1         0  JUMP_FORWARD          4  'to 4'
                2  LOAD_GLOBAL          99  99
              4_0  COME_FROM           112  '112'
              4_1  COME_FROM             0  '0'
                4  LOAD_CONST               0
                6  LOAD_CONST               ('md5',)
                8  IMPORT_NAME              hashlib
               10  IMPORT_FROM              md5

 L.   3        12  STORE_NAME               md5
               14  POP_TOP          
               16  LOAD_NAME                str
               18  LOAD_NAME                input
               20  LOAD_STR                 'please supply a valid key:'
               22  CALL_FUNCTION_1       1  ''
               24  CALL_FUNCTION_1       1  ''
               26  LOAD_METHOD              encode


              346  LOAD_NAME                k

 L.   6       348  LOAD_CONST               12
              350  BINARY_SUBSCR    

 L.  20       352  LOAD_NAME                k
              354  LOAD_CONST               14
              356  BINARY_SUBSCR    
              358  LOAD_CONST               2
              360  BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE
              362  LOAD_CONST               2
              364  BINARY_SUBTRACT  
              366  COMPARE_OP               ==
          368_370  JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP   462  'to 462'


              462  STORE_NAME               correct
              464  LOAD_NAME                print
              466  LOAD_NAME                correct
          468_470  POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE   486  'to 486'
              472  LOAD_STR                 'valid key! '
              474  LOAD_NAME                k
              476  LOAD_METHOD              decode
              478  CALL_METHOD_0         0  ''
              480  FORMAT_VALUE          0  ''
              482  BUILD_STRING_2        2 
              484  JUMP_FORWARD        488  'to 488'
            486_0  COME_FROM           468  '468'
              486  LOAD_STR                 'invalid key :('
            488_0  COME_FROM           484  '484'
              488  CALL_FUNCTION_1       1  ''
              490  POP_TOP         

The bytecode instructions seem to check various characters of our input; all of them jump to 462 if the check fails (which would likely print out “invalid key”). Now, we can go through each of the checks with Python’s bytecode documentation.

In the end, we get a list of 15 checks for the flag’s 16 characters (although we do know the flag format is flag{...}):

k[0] = 102
k[0] + 6 = k[1]
k[2] = k[1] - k[0] + 91
k[3] = 103
k[4] = k[11] * 3 - 42
k[5] = sum_of_chars(k) - 1332
k[6] + k[7] + k[10] = 260
int(chr(k[7]) * 2) + 1 = k[9]
k[8] % 17 = 16
k[9] = 2 * k[8]
md5(k[10] * b'a')[0] - 1 = k[3]
k[11] = 55
k[12] = k[14]/2 - 2
k[13] = 2 * [(k[10] * k[8]) % 32] - 1
k[14] = (k[12] ^ k[9] ^ k[15]) * 3 - 23

Solving these equations is fairly straightforward: most of them are simple arithmetic, and the rest of them can be quickly brute forced. The flag is the valid key: flag{5f92de703d}

Whatthehecc [198]


Flawed elliptic curve signing and verifying algorithms, allowing attackers to forge arbitrary messages.


Go hecc it! nc flu.xxx 20085

We can connect to a server that signs/verifies messages using elliptic curves; if the verification is successful, the server then executes the given command. Since the server only signs the commands 'id', 'uname', 'ls', 'date', we’ll need to forge a signature for cat flag.

Forging signatures

Usually, elliptic curve signing/verifying involves ECDSA, so we can start by looking at their custom functions.


def sign(r, key):
    r_prime = r * key.d.inverse(key._curve.order)

    date = int(time.time())
    nonce = Integer.random_range(min_inclusive=1,max_exclusive=key._curve.order)
    z = f'{nonce}||{date}'

    R = r_prime + (key._curve.G * hash(z))
    s = (key.d - hash(z)) % key._curve.order
    # return (R, s, z)
    # we can not give away z or this is unsafe: x = s+h(z)
    return R, s

In terms of the cmd we send, the sign algorithm will give us a signature of:

  • (R, s) = (H(cmd) * G + G * H(z), d - H(z))


  • H(x) is the SHA256 digest of x
  • G is the generator point
  • z is a random variable (nonce||date)
  • d is the private key

Since H(z) is essentially random and out of our control, we can rewrite it as:

  • s = d - H(z)
  • H(z) = d - s

Substituting this value into our previous (R, s) expression gives:

  • (R, s) = (H(cmd) * G + Q - G * s, s)

In other words, we can query for a value of s and rewrite R to forge any cmd we want.

def verify(msg, sig, pub):
    R, s = sig

    if s in [0,1,''] and s > 0:
        return False

    tmp1 = s * pub._curve.G
    tmp2 = - pub.pointQ 
    tmp3 = tmp2 + R

    return tmp1 + tmp3 == hash(msg) * pub._curve.G

Going through the verify process with the (R, s) pair:

  • tmp1 + tmp3 = H(cmd) * G
  • s * G + H(cmd) * G + Q - G * s - Q = H(cmd) * G
  • H(cmd) * G = H(cmd) * G

Our forged signature passes the verification algorithm, and with it, flag{d1d_you_f1nd_chakraborty_mehta}.

A local proof of concept:


Q = pubkey.pointQ
G = key._curve.G

r = blind('ls', pubkey)
R1, s1 = sign(r, key)

R = hash('cat flag') * G + Q + s1 * (-G)

sig = (ECC.EccPoint(R.x, R.y, curve='P-256'), int(s1))

assert(verify('cat flag', sig, pubkey))